Parents Committee/Leaders



Parents Committee and Adult Leaders are essential to the functioning of the Liên Đoàn Hòa Bình, or mentioned as Liên Đoàn (LD) for short.  This rewarding experience allows adult volunteers to plan, participate in Liên Đoàn activities, setting policies and participate in the day-to-day operations of the Liên Đoàn. All Committee Members and Adult Leaders must have current Youth Protection Training. For many positions, additional specific trainings are required according BSA guidelines and requirements.

Liên Đoàn Hòa Bình Organization follow guidelines and structure from BSA.

For a list of current position holders, please see the LDHB’s Organization Chart (PDF) or PowerPoint version.

Below is some descriptions of some key positions.

Chartered Organization Representative (COR)

  • Is a member of the chartered organization.
  • Serves as head of “Scouting department” in the organization.
  • Secures a LD committee chair and encourages training.
  • Maintains a close liaison with the committee chair.
  • Help recruits other adult members.
  • Serves as liaison between LD and the chartered organization.
  • Assists with unit rechartering.
  • Encourages service to the organization.
  • Is an active and involved member of the district committee.
  • Attends LD committee meetings at least quarterly.

Committee Chair (CC)

  • Organize the committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated, and completed. Maintain a close relationship with the chartered organization representative and the Scoutmaster, Cubmaster and Girl Scouts Leaders.
  • Interpret national and local policies to the Lien Doan.
  • Prepare LD committee meeting agendas.
  • Call, preside over, and promote attendance at the monthly LD committee meetings and any special meetings that may be called.
  • Ensure LD representation at monthly roundtables.
  • Secure top-notched, trained leadership for camp leadership.
  • Arrange for charter review and recharter annually.
  • Plan the charter presentation with the unit commissioner and charter organization representative.

 Scoutmaster (SM)

  • Train and guide boy leaders to run THEIR troop.
  • Participate in all available training available.
  • Work with and through the Assistant Scoutmasters and the troop committee to give the best Scouting program to the boys.
  • Help boys to grow and mature by encouraging them to learn for themselves, through the methods of Scouting to achieve the aims of Scouting.
  • Meet regularly with the patrol leaders’ council for training and coordination in planning troop activities.
  • Attend all troop meetings or, when necessary, arrange for a qualified adult substitute.
  • Attend troop committee meetings.
  • Attend roundtables and training sessions.
  • Take part in annual roll call and uniform inspection, charter review, and charter presentation.
  • Conduct Scoutmaster Conferences for advancement and as needed.
  • Participate in council and district activities.
  • Make it possible for all Scouts to experience at least 10 days and nights of camping each year.
  • Build a strong program by using proven methods presented in Scouting literature and training.
  • Conduct all activities under qualified leadership, safe conditions, and the policies of the chartered organization and the Boys Scouts of America.
  • Supervise troop leadership and Order of the Arrow elections.
  • Provide a systematic recruiting plan for new members and see that they are promptly registered.
  • Delegate responsibility to other adults and groups so they have a real part in the troop operation.

Cubmaster (CM)

  • Deliver a quality, fun, year-round program to the Cub Pack
  • Conduct the program according to BSA policies
  • Receive the appropriate training, including Cubmaster specific training
  • Attend monthly Cub Scout Roundtables, to receive information about district and council policies and programs
  • Carry out the Pack program with the support of the Pack Committee, including leading monthly pack meetings
  • Carry out the goals of the chartering organization within the Pack program
  • Work with the Pack Committee to recruit adult leadership
  • Work with the Pack Committee to develop the Pack budget
  • Support the Pack Den Leaders and encourage them to get the appropriate training
  • Encourage the Pack Den Leaders to work toward Cub Scout Leader awards
  • Encourage Webelos to cross over to a Boy Scout Troop
  • Communicate with parents about the Pack program and help to educate them about the Cub Scout program
  • Encourage family participation in the Cub Scout program
  • Encourage the Pack to participate in service projects
  • Work with the Assistant Cubmasters, delegating as necessary
  • Attend and participate in Pack Committee planning meetings
  • Recruit Den Chiefs to assist the Pack Den Leaders
  • Incorporate traditional Scouting elements, such as flag ceremonies, skits, and songs, into the Pack program
  • Encourage advancement and recognize Cub Scouts when they advance


  • Handle all LD funds. Pay bills on recommendation of the Scoutmaster and the authorization of the committee.
  • Maintain checking and savings accounts.
  • Supervise money-earning projects in coordination with fund raising coordinator. Insure proper authorization is secured prior to the onset of money-earning projects.
  • Supervise the camp savings plan.
  • Lead in the preparation of the annual Lien Doan budget.
  • Prepare the final checks to support the annual rechartering process.
  • Report to the LD committee at each meeting the status of the LD’s finances.

Advancement Chair

  • Encourage Scouts to advance in rank.
  • Work with the troop scribe to maintain all Scout advancement records.
  • Arrange troop boards of review as needed to support the advancement of the Scouts.
  • Arrange quarterly troop courts of honor. Coordinate the program, awards, and ceremonies with the Scoutmaster and troop committee.
  • Coordinate with the troop merit badge coordinator the troop and district list of merit badge counselors.
  • Submit reports promptly after boards of review to the council service center to insure timely maintenance of council records.
  • Purchase and maintain stock of awards and recognitions needed to support the troop advancement program.

Merit Badge Coordinator

  • Develop and maintain a current list of qualified leaders to serve as merit badge counselors for the troop. Insure that proper registration paperwork is submitted to the district and council offices.
  • Provide the advancement chair and the Scoutmaster a list of counselors to use when working with the Scouts.
  • Work with the troop librarian to maintain an adequate supply of required and the most frequently used Merit Badge books are available to the troop.
  • Work with the Scoutmaster, patrol leaders council, and troop committee to coordinate at least one merit badge program to be offered monthly.
  • Report to the troop committee monthly.

Committee Members (MC)

  • Recruit new adult leaders, including the Scoutmaster and one or more assistant Scoutmasters. These leaders must be approved by the chartered organization.
  • Provide a place for the troop to meet.
  • Serve as a link between the Troop and the chartered organization, making sure the troop functions within the mission of the Boy Scouts of America and within the mission of the chartered organization.
  • Make sure the troop charter is renewed on time annually.
  • Ensure that the troop has a strong outdoor program.
  • Serve on boards of review.
  • Work with the youth leaders and the Scoutmaster to deliver a quality, year-round program to the youth.
  • Maintain a troop treasury.
  • Purchase equipment as necessary.
  • Find resources so that all troop members may participate, regardless of need.
  • Encourage all adults in the troop to obtain the appropriate training for their positions.
  • Provide support to the Scoutmaster in working with youth with special needs and in dealing with discipline issues.