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What’s a day at Sunset State Beach in Watsonville!

It was a beautiful morning Sunday on 8/1/2021 at Sunset State Beach in Watsonville. When all families of Lien Doan Hoa Binh got together for a picnic event.  Many Scouts and families have not had a chance to face to face for so long due to covid restriction, so it was a great outdoor event. The venturing crew led several outdoor games such as the “wind blow” game to make people move around within a circle, tug-a-war, steal a piece of bacon, and “the bang” game. There were many challenging volleyball games between parents, leaders, guests, and scouts as well.  The food was great. Cheeseburger, hotlink, salads, and fruits together made up a great menu for a picnic event. Everyone had a wonderful time at the picnic and the leadership team planned to have more such events like this in the near future…

Many thanks to all the scouts and parents for your participation and a big thumbs up for

Darryl (Dũng) Nguyễn with his great photography/video skills.

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And the entire photo gallery is here…