Boys and Girls Troop

LIÊN ĐOÀN HÒA BÌNH – BSA Troop 745/2745



October 2024





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COH for Troop 745 -2745

New Post testing

On May sixth, we went on a camping trip at Henry Coe Park. At this park, we went down to the lake to go fishing. One of the highlights of this trip was the campfire games, they were very fun. Another highlight was the scouts working together to make a meal for their patrols.

Jonah Price
New Post testing

On May 6 to 7, we had a camping trip to Henry W. Coe Park. We started off hiking into the campsite at 9 a.m. with all our belongings. Upon arrival, the group divided the work to set up our campsite with tarps and tents to prepare for the rain. Once we finished, most of us headed down to the nearby lake for fishing, where the scouts learned how to use the fishing rod and how to catch. We then went back to camp and started cooking dinner; stir-fried Ramen with chicken. The rest of the evening was filled with campfire stories, games, and eating late-night snacks. The following morning began with waking up the scouts at 7 a.m. to cook breakfast, which was supposed to be a BLT. Although we were a little late on schedule, we managed to finish breakfast, pack up our things, clean up the site, and hike out for another hour, successfully wrapping up this camping trip.

Katelyn Vu
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The LDHB Scout Troop consists of boys and girls ranging from age 11 to 18. Hòa Bình follows the America Boy Scout program to prepare every eligible youth to become a responsible, participating citizen and leader who is guided by the Scout Oath and Scout Law and to enable young adults in their physical, mental and physical development with a strong focus on the outdoors and survival skills. However, boys and girls over 14 have a choice to join Venture Crew so that they can experience more challenge and outdoor adventure.

The LDHB Scout Troop is structured using the Patrol Method.

            “The patrol method is not a way to operate a Boy Scout troop, it is the ONLY way

            Unless the patrol method is in operation, you don’t really have a Boy Scout troop”

 — Robert Baden-Powell

Patrols are the building blocks of a Scout troop. A patrol is a small group of boys and/or girls who are similar in age, development, and interests. Working together as a team, patrol members share the responsibility for the patrol’s success.  All patrol members enjoy the friendship, sense of belonging, and achievements of the patrol and of each of its members. They gain confidence by serving in positions of patrol leadership.

Scout Oath:

On my honor, I will do my best 
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; 
To help other people at all times; 
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

Scout Law
​A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.

Scout Slogan
Do a Good Turn Daily!

Scout Motto
Be Prepared!

The Outdoor Code
As an American, I will do my best to –

  • Be clean in my outdoor manners
  • Be careful with fire
  • Be considerate in the outdoors, and
  • Be conservation minded.